Design Process

Every Lure that we ship out has been hand-crafted carefully through a selective design process that took months to perfect. Here is a look at how we tested and designed our lures.

The first step in our design process was to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to create online 3D models of our different products. What you are seeing is an inside look at how we had to create and perfect our design to optimize the effectiveness of the lure. After tampering a lot with the online design we were ready to move on.

The next step was to 3D print a "master" lure using PLA filament for all of our different lures and then mold it with Silicone to create our different molds which are pictured above.

After that, the hard work was done and we were able to pour our plastisol into our molds to create our lures, but we had to test them.

Tensile Test

Swim Test

After all that we finally had a final product that we were ready to ship out and produce!